The Official source of the Ocicat Club
WELFARE If you know of an Ocicat welfare issue, or an adult Ocicat needing a new home... Read more>
AGM 2022: The AGM of The Ocicat Club will be held on 3rd April 2022, at Rectory Cottages, Bletchly.
Details of the meeting will be notified to members in due course.
Rosemary Caunter
Honorary Secretary, The Ocicat Club
Aztec Breed Name
The GCCF Council meeting on 17th June 2015, saw the formal acceptance of the name Aztec for the previously named Ocicat Classic.
** OCICAT CLASSIC NEWS! ** We are delighted to announce
that the Ocicat Classic was promoted to
at the GCCF Council meeting held on 26th June 2013!
The first show where the Ocicat Classic will
be allowed to compete for Championship Certificates alongside the Ocicat
will be at THE OCICAT SHOW 2013 This show is to be held on 5th October 2013
at Eynsham Village Hall, Back Lane, Eynsham, Oxfordshire, 0X29 4QW.
We would like to offer our sincere thanks to all the breeders, owners
and exhibitors, who have helped and supported this beautiful breed
over the last six years to achieve this recognition.
The Ocicat Club would like to give a special thanks to Steve Whiting
and his much loved Ocicat Classic, Leonard.
Steve has shown the utmost dedication in promoting both the Ocicat
and the Ocicat Classic breeds by showing both Leonard,
and his beautiful Ocicat Lottie around the UK. Thank you to one of our most dedicated exhibitors!  Thickthorn Leonard
Photograph © Robert Fox
The Ocicat Club would also like to Congratulate the other breeds who gained promotion to Full Championship status on the same day.
The Ocicat Club held an Open day on 15th May 2011. The Club welcomed many breeders, owners and judges and discussions were held on the Ocicat and Ocicat Classic breeds with the focus being on the 'wild look'.
Two of the breeders the Club were happy to welcome as exhibitors were Frank and Karin Mandix. Frank wrote a lovely article on his blog after the day, along with some of the pictures of the cats he took and we are pleased he found the day interesteding and informative.
To read Frank's blog click here
OCICAT CLASSICS (Now Aztec) - 2011
The Ocicat Classic was granted Provisional Recognition at the Council Meeting of the
Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in February 2011. This means they can be shown for Intermediate Certificates from the start of the next show year.
Well done and thank you to all the breeders and owners who made this possible by exhibiting their lovely cats!
The Ocicat Classic was given Preliminary Recognition at the Council Meeting of the
Governing Council of the Cat Fancy in October 2008. This meant they could be shown for Merit Certificates as soon as it was practical for Show Managers to include them in their Show schedules. The first Show where this became possible was the Short Hair Cat Society Show on January 10th 2009.
In order to progress to the next stage, Provisional Recognition, one major requirement is that there have to be at least 15 Ocicat Classics with 4 Merit Certificates apiece, each from a different Judge, and no more than two to be obtained as a kitten.